Sunday, April 28, 2013


I was looking through Tumblr and I stumbled upon a set of Joseph Szabo's photos. I was really intrigued and decided to look more into this work. The photos I saw reminded me of Robert Frank, and since I'm working on a project inspired by him, I just had to see what Szabo was about. He went to Pratt for photography and actually taught at Malverne High School on Long Island (what a small world)! He currently lives in Amityville. He is well known for his photographs on the American youth during the 1970s, which can be found in his books Almost Grown and Teenage. His book Almost Grown gained cult classic status in the world throughout the 80s and 90s. Grace Coddington, the editor of Vogue, noticed that “all the young fashion photographers were looking at Joe’s photographs as their bible" (although he wasn't aiming for this). 

Some of my favorites include the following: 

I think there are many obvious parallels with his work and Frank's, both of which are film and black and white. Another great aspect of their work includes the ability to capture moments which showed people some lesser known realities. Szabo's intention began with his frustration of the lack of interest amongst his students. To try to stop this, he began to photograph them. His pictures are able to "transform his form of expression into a means of connection." 

There's a documentary on Szabo, but there are no future screenings. I will definitely be on the look out, though. More information can be found here. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Here's some practice of editing skies:




Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today I worked with Michelle Li on editing some photos. She's really great and a really valuable part of my art community. I'm looking forward to working with her. We're going to start a bathroom vandalism project together (photographing it) and I can't wait.

How to replace a sky in a picture (according to the method Michelle and I used)
  • Find a nice sky that would work in your picture
  • Open the sky in Photoshop and drag it over the picture you're putting it on (click command+T to transform it)
  • Invert the sky using the adjustment layer
  • Play around with options such as harden, lighten, overlay, etc... 
  • Mask the sky
  • Brush it into your picture
Here is a method I researched today: 

  •  Select and copy the original photo
  • Paste the original photo into the sky photo’s document
  • Duplicate layer 1
  • Turn the top layer off
  • Select layer 1
  • Select the area below the sky
  • Add a mask layer
  • Select and turn on the top layer
  • Open the blending options and change the "blend if" option to blue
  • Drag the top right slider towards the left
  • Adjust the transition between the photos to remove fringing 

I haven't had time to try this out yet, but I will see how it works and make a video to make the above much clearer. I'm really wiped out from coming home at 7 p.m. every night. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Wolves At Night

My major for fourth quarter is photography. I plan to continue working on editing pictures this quarter and eventually turning my pictures into prints. This is a good opportunity to start making a website in which I market what I have thus far. I feel confident about cropping and working with brushing in layers. I want to expand my knowledge and try to do some really cool and complex projects. Perhaps if I find myself done with this, I can move on to making films (I've been inspired by what people in class have been doing).

The criteria will be as follows:

  • Completion- Did I finish the amount of prints I wanted to? 
  • Neatness- Are the prints mounted neatly, are they presentable and worth buying? 
  • Editing- Is the editing on par? Is it the best that could be done? Does it help or hurt the photo? 
  • Improvement- Does this show improvement throughout the year? Is this something that showcases significant artistic growth or was it just the best thing I could do in 10 minutes?
  • Theme- Do the prints showcase a theme or important issue/subject? Do they have meaning and well thought out composition that is coupled with it?  

My minor will be music (possible composition) because I feel really bad about not doing music. I don't know why I just stopped, but whatever the reason it makes me feel empty and I want to feel something fulfilling again. I think it'll be a great go to project. 

I'm going to read An Emergency in Slow Motion by Diane Arbus. Diane Arbus was an American photographer and writer noted for black-and-white square photographs of "deviant and marginal people (dwarfsgiantstransgender peoplenudistscircus performers) or of people whose normality seems ugly or surreal." Norman Miller once said that "giving a camera to Diane Arbus is like putting a live grenade in the hands of a child."

Other stuff: I made an Evernote. I'm not sure how it works but my username is lisaboneta. (What's our STAC Evernote account?) 

My cousin is studying art at the University of Rijeka and her school has an exhibit at Gallery MC. More info here: If anyone's interested, perhaps we can go this weekend. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Des Haut Des Bas

Cross-processing is the procedure of deliberately processing one type of film in a chemical solution intended for another type of film. There's something extremely charming about a photo that's cross-processed. Of course it's possible to cross-process without actual chemicals and with Photoshop. 

1) Select the image you want to cross process and load it into PS. 

2) Add a curves layer by going to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Curves OR just click "Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer." 

3) Select the red channel and adjust it so it looks like an S shape.

4) Next, select the green channel and raise the right part of the curve and slightly lower the left part. 

5) Next is the blue channel. It should resemble an inverted S shape. 

6) You can then adjust the RBG channel to increase contrast. 

7) Voila. Save your picture! 

You can decide how big or small you want the curves to be to get the colors of your liking. 

Before Cross
After Cross

Monday, April 8, 2013

Q3 Assessment

Quarter three has been eventful and very insightful in my artistic inquiries. I've been able to explore new terrain, as well as my own thought processes and inspirations. The freedom of STAC leaves plenty  of room to wander the boundaries of different mediums and themes. Luke's guidance has played a major role in my successes of ideas and their executions. 

One of the first projects I started in third quarter was the prospect of studio lighting. It started off with researching different types of lightings and different types of equipment, those of which include key lights, fill lights, and hair lights. I have been able to understand these lights thoroughly with the physical experience of working with these lights. At one point, I had to identify the lighting of specific photos. That was extremely challenging when it was first presented to me. I attempted it with a multitude of approaches, but it seemed impossible. After Luke had revealed the correct lighting, I was frustrated at myself and my inability to recognize the lighting patterns. Luke then assigned more photos to imitate and I still found myself having trouble getting it right. With more practice, everything I learned from research started to lock in place. I had a better understanding of how to achieve loop lighting and paramount lighting. Looking at the eyes of a person in the photo can help you decipher where to place lights and any other equipment (such as umbrellas and soft boxes). This helped me work on "The One That Got Away."

"The One That Got Away" is a great project for all photographers and non-photographers. It forces you to think differently and use different mediums. 

This is my "opposite sex photo (the format was photograph)." Anika did the make up and transformed Chris into a woman. 

The photo of Grace is my "rich and smug" fashion shot.

I really love my shot of Chris, but I am not that fond my picture of Grace. If I could reshoot it, I would get rid of the stupid shadows on her arm and dress. I like the concept of that photo, but not the execution. I think it gets the idea of "rich and smug" across. I would also try to get rid of all the empty space around her. My shot of Chris was my literal interpretation of opposite sex- a guy who likes to dress up as the opposite sex. 

This shot was my film still of toddlers. I like this shot because it captures the relationship between these two children. I know them personally and thus I know the dynamics of their friendship. 

This photo was supposed to be a formal mugshot. I don't think it gives off a "mugshot" vibe. I planned to do a side profile to make it more evident, but I never got to. I do feel that it's necessary in order to get the theme of this photo across. 

"The One That Got Away" was a great way to put ideas together. I was able to work with my peers and we bounced ideas off of one another. I don't think the quality of my pictures were particularly great, but I think the planning and ideas behind them meant more

I collected some sources of inspiration throughout the quarter. I was introduced to Yousuf Karsh, widely known for his portraits. During his portrait era of his career, he had 15,312 sittings and produced over 150,000 negatives. Before Karsh photographed anyone, he would thoroughly research them and learn as much about them as he could. He would even try to get to know people who knew about his subjects to learn more about them. It's not just about taking a picture, it's also about building relationships/connections with people because it changes the experience of photography. It also can be useful for future connections because it creates a good first impression (that you even bothered to know something besides their name and position). He did photograph more than just portraits and enjoyed experimenting with optics and surrealism. One of my favorite pieces which captivates his interest in both optics and surrealism is entitled "Elixir." 

Another inspiration helped me in starting to explore new terrain was Robert Frank's book The Americans, which I didn't know would be a great inspiration for my next project. This book changed people's views on this nation. His work wasn't new or innovative, but it changed the way people looked at photography, and even our country. Frank was a commercial photographer to make a living, but decided to get his noncommercial work started by traveling across America. Because Frank had his camera with him pretty much everywhere he went, police officers suspected he was a spy. This was true in a way, as much of his work exposed the real ways of America. Frank shot 767 rolls of film making about 27,000 photos. He eventually edited it down to 83 and put them in The Americans. Frank said that he doesn't like to go back and analyze his photos, perhaps because he's done it so many times. 

After looking through his book, I was inspired to attempt something along his terrain while I was gone in Italy. Before I left I was worried about not succeeding, so I almost let go of the grasp that I had on this project. When I went to Italy, I just took hundreds of pictures with no particular intentions. Once I came back home, I went through all of them and narrowed it down to my better pictures. I made them all black and white (a property of Frank's work). When I did this, I was only aware of one method of converting to black and white (channel mixing), but Luke told me that there are several other ways. I researched all the possible ways and found that there are seven different methods of converting to black and white, all of which include converting to greyscale, using the hue/saturation tool, LAB color method, gradient map, channel mixer, black and white tool, and twin hue/saturation. I ended up changing my preferred method from channel mixing to using the gradient map. 

After finding new ways to make a picture black and white, Luke started teaching me how to edit just to make pictures look better. I've learned that if editing can't save a picture, nothing can. Prior to having this lesson, I knew some rudimentary skills of operating Photoshop. However, Luke introduced how to brush in effects. You load a picture into PS, make a copy of the photo, then you create a new fill/adjustment layer, and let your creativity and imagination wander. After, you go to that fill layer and press command+delete. Once this is done, you can use the brush tool to apply the adjustment wherever you'd like it. Also, cropping is very useful because it helps you capture what you like in a photo and get rid of empty space that ruins the picture. 


The top is the before picture, and the bottom is after using PS. I really like how this print came out. The cropping helped established the relationships. For example, the man's wife is take a picture with him, capturing the relationship between the man and the pigeon. I used Gaussian blur to focus on the man with the pigeon and I think it really brought the picture together .

I'm not entirely sure if I'm fond of the cropping in this picture. I kept debating whether I should just have the man on his scooter, or include a little bit of the road in front of him. Without a little bit of space in front of the man, the picture seems crammed in a way, but I tried to make up for that with the depth behind him. I think this is a print that can't be saved with Photoshop, just one that can be trashed.


This is one of my favorite prints. The cropping of the wall that was on his right helped create a new and  improved space. Cropping that wall out was a better choice than cropping the other side because the other side adds depth. I used contrast and added it to his face to really highlight the details. The wall to the right of the mime seems too white. I want to go back and play around with the levels and make it a little darker. 

For this photo, I cropped the bird out because it ruined the picture. I edited the statue by increasing contrast/brightness and playing around with the levels. I tried to make the sky darker and stronger, but I still want to work on it and see how else I could improve it.

In Q4, I plan to make prints that will be available to purchase. I'm not sure how long this process will take, but in the event that it doesn't take the entire quarter, I want to start a project that encompasses art that reinvents itself. A major inspiration of this idea was Beck's music video for the song "Girl." This is a work in progress and I currently have no direction of where I want to take it. Perhaps I can use photos I already have and have them reinvent itself.

                                                                         Works Cited
Cole, Tom. "'Americans': The Book That Changed Photography." NPR. N.p., 13 Feb. 2009. Web. 4 Mar. 2013

"Yousuf Karsh." Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 14 Feb. 2013.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bag of Bones

Today I learned some photoshop techniques that will save my ass in the future.

Here's a side by side of a picture I worked on before and after.

Before Photoshop

After Photoshop 
I did a lot of work with the layers and brushes and it was really fun to explore.

Monday, April 1, 2013

7 Black and White Conversions

  • Convert to Greyscale 
Photoshop CS 3:

  1. Image > Mode > Grayscale
  2. Click ‘Discard’

Photoshop Elements:
  1. Image > Mode > Grayscale
  2. Click ‘OK’
  • Use the Hue/Saturation Tool
Photoshop CS 3 and Photoshop Elemennts:
  1. Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation
  2. Click ‘OK’
  3. Move the saturation slider all the way to the left (-100) and press ‘OK’

  • LAB Color Method 
Photoshop CS 3:
  1. Image > Mode > Lab Color
  2. Go to the Channels window if it’s already open (if not go to Window > Channel) and select the Lightness channel
  3. Image > Mode > Grayscale
  4. Click ‘OK’

  • Gradient Map 
Photoshop CS and Photoshop Elements
  1. Press ‘D’ to reset the foreground and background colours to black and white.
  2. Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map
  3. Click ‘OK’
  • Channel Mixer
Photoshop CS:

  1. Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Channel Mixer
  2. Tick the monochrome box.
  3. Move the Red, Green and Blue sliders to the left and right to lighten and darken different tones in the photo. The total of the three sliders should be 100% at all times.
  4. Click ‘OK’ when you’re done.

  • Convert to Black and White Tool 
Photoshop Elements:

  1. Enhance > Convert to Black and White
  2. Move the colour sliders to the left and right to lighten and darken the corresponding tones. Use the Contrast slider to compensate for changes in contrast. You can also select a preset style from the menu on the left. Click ‘OK’ when you’re done.

  • Twin Hue/Saturation Method
Photoshop CS and Photoshop Elements:
  1. Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation and click ‘OK’
  2. Move the Saturation slider all the way to the left (-100) and click ‘OK’
  3. Activate the background by clicking on it
  4. Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation and click ‘OK’
  5. Click ‘OK’
  6. Change the blending mode of the bottom Hue/Saturation layer to ‘Color’ (circled below)
  7. Double click the bottom Hue/Saturation layer’s icon (circled below)
  8. Move the Hue slider left or right and watch the tones change! You can also experiment with the Saturation and Lightness sliders.
  9. Click ‘OK’ when you’re done.