Thursday, December 13, 2012

What A Wonderful Puddle

I was asked to shoot pictures and videos at Mr. Coleman's birthday party. That's adding to my hours for photography, yay. That was probably the only not so terrible thing about that. Although I must say, we had STAC Art today and to be honest, I was very productive and I did get a lot of work done. It felt good to put all my energy into what I was doing. Two great things about today. 

Ranting/Pondering I guess... 

Today was the first day the school started playing music instead of bells. I'm not a fan about the idea, but that's not the point. I've had so many people telling me that student government needs to change this, and that it's a terrible idea. This led to other comments about how student government does nothing at all and that people have so many complaints about what needs to be changed around here. First, student government had nothing to do with the bells. Second, if you're so unhappy with your school, why don't you say something to your student government reps? People want change but they don't want to do anything. If someone has feedback, advice, complaints, etc. student government reps do bring them up at meetings. So, no, student government isn't unproductive and we actually do discuss real issues and concerns. Believe what you want to. At times we can be unproductive and yes it's frustrating, but so can every other class and club.

I get similar comments about STAC from so many people. So many people tell me that we don't do anything and whatever. Well again, think what you want, but what perspective do you have? How can people speak about something they know so little about? I guess I'm so annoyed because I've been extra irritable lately, but either way it's completely ridiculous. 

It doesn't get to me too much, but it does feel like a slap in the face when someone criticizes STAC or student government, or anything I do. I'm used to it of course. It just really bothers me when people can speak so loudly with a warped view on things. I can tell people that STAC does a lot, and student government does too, but I often feel like I'm wasting my breath because they don't really care. I just want to stand for what I believe in and love. The past two days have been pretty rough and I've been unable to do that without shaking or wanting to break down. Everything will get back to normal in a day or so. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the drawings.

    Regarding what other people say: a friend of mine from a band I worked with (he was from the south) had a great saying which I always remember in times when idiots weigh in with an opinion, or in siutations such as what you're describing.

    Brian used to say "F**k 'em and feed 'em butter beans."

    it works for me, Try it.

