Thursday, February 7, 2013

Soco Amaretto Lime

Today Luke took me to the community center and he took the cast picture for the middle school play. I learned quite a lot in the little time we were together. Not only photography wise, but practical information about gigs and what to bring with you. Always bring two cameras and three/four lenses. Also, I learned about bracketing which was foreign to me. It's not really necessary, but I think it's good to know. Even if I might not need most of the stuff I do end up learning, it still is important to have that knowledge. You can never know too much.

I've thought of what I want to do for my inquiry. I want to do a series of... a series of photos. Example: perhaps I can work on a series of photographs which involve Photoshop. Another series can involve "symmetrical photographs" (I was just researching some, and I really think that would be interesting to explore). More series will be added of course. This is still in the works, but my plan is to find a few different ways to explore photography and then interconnect them somehow.


  1. Ah, ok, this is interesting, to work in series (always a good idea) and to tackle particular issues, perhaps some technical, some design issues.

    Now, here is a question. This project is about photography. But what is the photography about?

    Do you understand the question?

    1. Absolutely. I am still in the process of elaborating on what my photography will be about. That was one of the first things I thought about.

  2. Don't confine it to photography. All your art, whatever the media or discipline, flows from you. Think broadly. What do you value?

  3. It is ok not to know!

    Glad you came along today and got some things out of it. You get to shoot the next one. The Spring musical. How's that?

    1. You're definitely right, I think if I narrow what my scope I'll find myself struggling more.

      It would be a pleasure to shoot the next one!
