Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Big Week: Day 2

I did some research on ISO today. ISO is how sensitive the image sensor is to the amount of light present. A higher ISO means the image sensor is more sensitive, and thus it allows you to take pictures in low light conditions. A higher ISO will record a fainter light signal and it will also record a fainter noise (noise is any signal that is not attributed to the light from your subject). This means that the image sensor will record more noise and light signal. The ratio of light signal to noise (S/N ratio) determines the "noise" in your final project. Noise in digital photo can be compared to graininess in film. Graininess in film can sometimes add to the mood and warmth of the picture, but noise in digital film is unwanted and ruins the photo. The lowest possible ISO will give you the best quality pictures. (It will have the greatest S/N ratio.) So anyway, I tried using a lower ISO today. Most of my pictures were taken outside, unlike yesterday where all the pictures were taken inside. I used 200 or 400, and I was more satisfied with my pictures. I still want to work on my lighting. Yesterday I said I was going to work on lighting, but I ended up experimenting with ISO. Looking at my pictures, I noticed the lighting caused many of the problems of the finished products. Some faces came out half light and dark. I need to learn how to edit it, but to be honest I don't want to have to edit them. I want to be able to establish the right lighting for different scene/places even when I don't have the equipment available. 

I had a harder time getting volunteers today, some wise asses and what not. It was pretty amusing to be honest, it just made it harder to take more pictures. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I ADORE the fact you're doing research on your own. I ADORE THAT!

    Warm regards,
