Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Photo Test

Here is the photo test for anyone interested
Av: f/5.6
Tv: 1/200
I told my brother to open his eyes, and he made this facial expression. 
ISO: 400
Av: f/1.8
Tv: 1/2000 
ISO: 200
Av: f/1.8
Tv: 1/320
ISO: 400
Av: f/1.8
Tv: 1/400
Av: f/1.8
Tv: 1/60

ISO: 400
Av: f/1.8
Tv: 1/200

ISO: 400
Av: f/11
Tv: 1/250
ISO: 400
Av: f/1.8
Tv: 1/100 
ISO: 100
Av: f/3.2
Tv: 1/400
ISO: 400
Av: f/14
Tv: 1/13
ISO: 100
Av: f/9
Tv: 1/200
ISO: 100
Av: f/3.2
Tv: 1/400

The colors in this photo are warm and come together nice, and the out of focus background still gives the viewer an idea of where this was taken.
This photo juxtaposes the city and country life quite nicely, and the long exposure adds a nice effect as well. 


  1. Oh wow...I really love numbers 4,6,and 15. (What city was 15 taken in?) took these photos, right? How did you take number 6? (Taking photos of things in the dark is so hard...that one is just beautiful, the slight outline of the object...)

  2. Thank you! 15 isn't a photo of mine (I guess I should put the objectives of each photo up). It's my favorite picture taken by Paul Simpson. It was taken somewhere in New Zealand.

    And taking number 6 was a little challenging, but the way the light was shining down on the marker helped add the slight outline. I had to experiment with different shutter speeds/apertures/ISOs to get it just right!
