Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I'm Not Morbid, I'm Just Forgetful

Well, here's to another new year I guess. I'm not into new years resolutions that much, but I think I'm ready for some changes and I'm ready to enforce them.

2012 was the best year for me. So many new experiences for me and they all changed my life in different aspects. I've been able to be emotionally stable for a while now, and that was always pretty hard for me.

I really want to lose weight and be healthy, most importantly. I'm going to start eating better and working out more. Eating junk food makes me feel really shitty about myself, and I don't want to feel like that anymore. So I want to completely change my diet and I'm ready to do it. I'm more determined than ever.

Also, this isn't really a new years resolution, it's more like something I've been working on for a while. I just want to be conscious about my surroundings and peers. I feel like I often overlook little things that make a difference. I want to take it easy and not live such a rushed life style. It seems pretty difficult sometimes, but it's not impossible. We often compromise quality for convenience, and I don't think that always needs to be the case. When it comes to my peers, I want to listen more carefully and speak more passionately. I want to chose my words carefully and notice the choice of words by others. I have a desire to grasp onto these things and embrace language and emotions.

I'd like to end this post with sharing this: http://thoughtcatalog.com/2012/17-lessons-i-learned-in-2012/#rHx7xEjKJB9zBzK1.01

A great list of things to always keep in mind.

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