Sunday, March 17, 2013

Could Be Better Forever

Getting ready for my journey to Italy. A major part of it is getting my artistic inquiry together. I've decided I want to do something in the terrain of Robert Frank. I must admit I am a little bit nervous. A bunch of doubts have been filling my mind like, what if my pictures don't turn out how I want them to? Or, what if I can't find anything interesting to photograph? What if my project turns out to be NOTHING like Robert Frank's terrain? I think that last one gets to me the most. I've been trying to purify myself from most of these thoughts. I need to stop working and just take some damn pictures. The future is always unclear. I'm not even in Italy yet. If it turns out that I don't get the pictures I really wanted, then so be it. I will try my hardest to accomplish what it is I'm aiming for.

1 comment:

  1. Q: "what if my pictures don't turn out how I want them to?"
    A: They won't. They'll turn out as they turn out.You just need to take them.

    Q: "what if I can't find anything interesting to photograph?"
    A: Nothing interesting to photograph? In Italy? The only way this will happen is if your eyes are closed.

    Q: "What if my project turns out to be NOTHING like Robert Frank's"
    A: Then it will turn out like yours, which is better. Remember, you are covering new ground, your own ground. Regardless of how much it is informed by Robert Frank, it is still your work and yours alone.

    "I will try my hardest to accomplish what it is I'm aiming for."

    Try your hardest to have a lot of fun and suck all the juice out of the lemon that is the trip to Italy. Come back without a single picture if the camera gets in the way of life.
